
Webinar themes
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to take measures to contain the virus, the Gruber Foundation postponed the IV Edition of the International Conference on EDs to 2021 and organised two precursory discussion webinars.

Webinar themes

The first, entitled: ‘Criteria for recovery in patients with eating disorders’ took place on 20 November 2020 and featured a lecture by Philippa Hay, Psychiatrist, Professor of Mental Health at the Translational Health Research Institute and the School of Medicine of Western Sydney University; Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Eating Disorders; Past-President of the Australian and New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders. Other speakers included: Donatella Ballardini, Specialist in Paediatrics and Nutrition Science, President of ANSISA, Medical Director of the Gruber Centre; and Michele Rugo, Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst; Medical Director of the Gruber Residence.

The second, entitled: ‘Subjective Transformations in Patients with Nutrition and Eating Disorders’ took place on 21 November 2020 and featured a lecture by Olga Ricciardi, Psychoanalyst, Director of Ceda, Centre Specialising in Eating Disorders (Buenos Aires). Other speakers included: Massimo Recalcati, Psychoanalyst, Founder of the Jonas Onlus Psychoanalytic Clinic Centre for New Symptoms, Scientific Consultant and Supervisor at the Gruber Residence. Michele Rugo, Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst, Medical Director of the Gruber Residence.
Download the complete Webinar programme
See the latest edition of the Conference on Eating Disorders

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