The Academy of Nutrition Sciences - ASNU in collaboration with Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna is launching for the academic year 2024/2025 the First Level University Master's Degree Course ‘Eating Disorders: their onset in childhood, diagnosis, co-morbidities and treatment pathways’.
The main objective of the Master's course is to train professionals involved in the multidisciplinary care of patients with eating disorders (AD), in view of the recent increase in diagnoses and the increasingly early onset of these disorders.
The didactics will be aimed at deepening the clinical understanding of AD with particular reference to developmental onset, with a view to providing learners with tools for early diagnosis, assessment of co-morbidities, understanding the patient's and family's needs and setting up a multidimensional treatment plan.
Antonia Parmeggiani
Associate Professor of Child Neuropsychiatry - Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
Registration for the selection test is now open. You can apply until 10 december 2024
Dates to remember:
Selection test: 16 December 2024
Registration deadline: 23 January 2025
Lessons start: 31 January 2025
For further information:
Coordinatrice Didattica
Gaia Gilardoni
Il bando della nuova edizione è disponibile sul portale Unibo.
Admission is limited to a maximum of 30 participants with a degree in:
È richiesta l’iscrizione all’albo o all’ordine professionale italiano di riferimento. L’ammissione al Master è subordinata alla valutazione del Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum e al superamento di una prova orale, finalizzata ad accertare le attitudini, le motivazioni personali e le capacità relazionali dei candidati.
Le lezioni del Master si svolgono presso la Fondazione Alsos, sui colli di Bologna. La sede della Fondazione si caratterizza come luogo ideale per lo studio, la formazione e il confronto fra professionisti. All’interno dei suoi spazi sono disponibili aule, strumentazioni didattiche, possibilità di alloggio e canteen per la ristorazione.
Il percorso formativo si svolge in due anni e garantisce un totale di 60 crediti formativi universitari (CFU).
The registration fee for the Master’s course is Euro 4,000.
Practical information
Didactic Coordinator
Gaia Gilardoni
at Fondazione Alsos Via di Jano, 4 40136 Bologna Tel. 051 19939503
ASNU provides dedicated rooms at the Alsos Headquarters for students who participate in the academy's study programmes, designed for studying, relaxing and sharing the learning experience.
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