Le storie dagli studenti dall’ultima edizione del Master in Trattamento Integrato dei Disturbi dell'Alimentazione
‘The Master's programme enabled me to increase my theoretical and practical skills in the field of DA. I have deepened and experienced multidisciplinary team and network work in the field, observing the integration of interventions by different professional figures.
The traineeships were customised according to my professional role, allowing me to experience what I learnt during the lessons.
Luca Oppo
Psychologist, Reggio Emilia
‘Thanks to this Master I was able to deepen my understanding of the concept of the multidisciplinary team and its usefulness in interventions with AD patients. The helpfulness of the lecturers, the professionalism of the tutors and the variety of professionals with whom I shared the course facilitated my understanding of the different approaches in a complex field of care where even a single word can make a difference. The experience and the network of knowledge gained over these two years have enriched me both as a person and as a professional.
Pasquale De Laurentis,
Dietitian, Ferrara
‘I chose this Master's programme to deepen what I had learnt in facilities dedicated to AD during my specialised training. In this course, I had the opportunity to get involved and collaborate in a multidisciplinary team context, where integrating the various skills is necessary and fundamental. The lecturers, with great professionalism and dedication, worked in concert to pass on to us the various theoretical and clinical aspects of this field, also in relation to our own discipline. I highly recommend this Master.
Julie Mazzocchini
Psicologa e Pedagogista, Bologna
"L’interesse e il desiderio di approfondire i DA in relazione al mio lavoro di infermiere mi ha portato a scegliere questo Master. Sono molto soddisfatto dell’esperienza, in primo luogo perché sono entrato in contatto con diverse figure professionali (dietisti, educatori, psicologi, terapisti della riabilitazione psichiatrica e pediatri) che, attraverso il confronto, mi hanno aiutato a capire l’importanza del lavoro di gruppo multidisciplinare per la complessa gestione del paziente con DA. Durante i due anni di Master, ho ricevuto una formazione completa grazie ai professionisti e ai docenti che, con passione, hanno trasmesso le loro conoscenze. Importanti sono state le ore di tirocinio svolte a contatto con i pazienti in diversi luoghi: in ambulatorio, dove ho osservato le prime visite, in ospedale, dove sono ricoverati i casi più gravi, in una residenza riabilitativa e in un centro diurno".
Albano Stepic
Infermiere, Ravenna