

Articoli e pubblicazioni


Il peso della famiglia. Supervisioni cliniche con Massimo Recalcati

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Articoli in riviste scientifiche

Reduced sympathetic activity and dysfunctional metacognition in patients with Anorexia Nervosa: a preliminary study. — Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, 17(1).

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Palm oil and human health. Meeting report of NFI: Nutrition Foundation of Italy symposium. — International journal of food sciences and nutrition, 68(6), 643-655.

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Does psychological well-being change following treatment? An exploratory study on outpatients with eating disorders. — Comprehensive Psychiatry, 74:61-69.

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Validation of the Italian Yale Food Addiction Scale in postgraduate university students. — Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 23(2), 167-176.

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Cow’s Milk Consumption and Health: A Health Professional’s Guide. — 2018, Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 38:3, 197-208.

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State and trait anger and its expression in cluster headache compared with migraine: a cross-sectional study. — Neurological Sciences, 40(11), 2365-2370.

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Disturbed Eating Behaviors in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes: An Exploratory Study about Challenges in Diagnosis. — Diagnostics, 10(12), 1044.

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Irrational beliefs and their role in specific and non-specific eating disorder symptomatology and cognitive reappraisal in eating disorders. — Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(16), 3525.

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Do catastrophizing and autonomic-reduced flexibility mediate pain outcomes in chronic headache? — Neurological Sciences, 43(5), 3283-3295.

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The need to control thoughts in eating disorder outpatients: A longitudinal study on its modification and association with eating disorder symptom improvement. — Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11, 2205.

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Mapping the Path to Cognitive Balance: Applying the States of Mind Model and Network Analysis to Eating Disorder Patients. — Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023; 12(18):5790.

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Emotional dysregulation and eating symptoms in gender dysphoria and eating disorders: The mediating role of body uneasiness. — Current Psychology. (2023, under review).

Study protocol. Predictors and Clinical Correlates of Eating Disorders and Symptoms in Subjects at Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. — PROSPERO, International prospective register of systematic reviews. (2023, under review).

Different meanings and expressions of body uneasiness in eating disorders and gender incongruence. — Paper presented at XXX National Congress of the Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP), Clinical and Dynamic Psychology Section, Padua. (2022).

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Study protocol. Stories of clinical care in transgender and nonbinary individuals with eating pathology: a scoping review. — 2023.

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From symptoms to subjective and bodily experiences: the contribution of the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (PDM-2) to diagnosis and treatment monitoring in eating disorders. — Eating and Weight Disorders, 2023.

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The mediator effect of personality on the relationship between symptomatic impairment and treatment outcome in eating disorders. — Frontiers in Psychology – Eating Behavior, 2021b.

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Eating pathology and Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (PDM–2) diagnostic assessment: Implications for treatment outcome in a psychodynamic-oriented residential setting — Psychoanalytic Psychology, 2021a.

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Personality as a Predictor of Symptomatic Change in a Residential Treatment Setting for Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa — Eating and Weight Disorders, advanced online publication, 2020.

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Evaluating Empirically Valid and Clinically Meaningful Change in Intensive Residential Treatment for Severe Eating Disorders at Discharge and at a 6-Month Follow-Up — Eating and Weight Disorders, 2019.

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Contributi all'interno di manuali e monografie

Manuale per la cura e la prevenzione dei disturbi dell’alimentazione e delle obesità. (DA&O) Marzo 2017, SICS Ed. Milano.

Ebook Sisdca scaricabile a pagamento da varie librerie online.

Possibili interventi con la famiglia, in Genitorialità e Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare. Eds Umberto Nizzoli, Daniela Beltrami. Sics Editore S.r.l., Roma.

Ebook Sisdca scaricabile a pagamento da varie librerie online.

Post-traumatic eating disorder in Hidden and Lesser-known disordered Eating Behaviors in Medical and Psychiatric condition. In Manzato E., Cuzzolaro M., Donini L. (eds), London, UK. Springer.

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Eating Disorders and bariatric surgery in Hidden and Lesser-known disordered Eating Behaviors in Medical and Psychiatric condition. In Manzato E., Cuzzolaro M., Donini L. (eds), London, UK. Springer.

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Stigma sul peso e stigma «sanitario»: un fattore di mantenimento dell’obesità. In Obesità e stigma, di Pauli D., Positive press, Verona.

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Poster e presentazioni in congressi internazionali

ICED CONGRESS 2017 (Praga, 8 – 10 giugno 2017). Clinical characteristics in an italian sample of eating disorder outpatients with and without a history of overweight and obesity in childhood and adolescence.

The 9Th International Congress Of Cognitive Psychotherapy (Cluj-Napoca, 29 giugno – 1 luglio 2017). Linking maladaptive metacognition and dysfunctional autonomic patterns in Anorexia Nervosa.

EHF European Headache Federation (Dicembre 2017). State and trait anger and its expression in migraine and cluster hedache.

III Conferenza Internazionale sui Disturbi della Nutrizione organizzata da Fondazione Gruber Onlus – ISTITUZIONE E SOGGETTO – Il trattamento del caso grave nei Disturbi della Nutrizione: dalla cura residenziale al percorso in rete. (Bologna, 23-24 Novembre 2018) – Il caso grave: aspetti medico-nutrizionali.

9th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies WCBCT (Berlino, 17-19 giugno 2019) – Advances In Cbt For Refugees With PTSD: From Research To Clinical Work- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder And Bulimia Nervosa.

25th World Congress of the International-College-of-Psychosomatic-Medicine (ICPM) (Firenze, 11-13 settembre 2019). Integrated psychonutritional assessment in eating disorders with life-time traumatic experiences.

The Faculty of Eating Disorders Psychiatry Annual Conference 2019. Art and Science of Eating Disorders: A Global Vision to Help Eating Disorder Patients and Carers. European Chapter of AED Academy of Eating Disorders meeting (London, 4-5 dicembre 2019).

European Chapter of Academy of Eating Disorders Meeting. Helping Eating Disorder Patients without the Boundaries. (Virtual, 10 giugno 2020).

Conference on Transdiagnostic Approaches to Mental Health University of Manchester, UK (International Online Congress) (2021). Network Analysis of Metacognitions and Psychological Traits and Constructs Across Eating Disorders

10th ICCP International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Virtual Congress, Rome. (Maggio 2021). Rational beliefs and psychological well-being in eating disorders: an experimental controlled study.

ICED 2021 – ACADEMY OF EATING DISORDERS, Virtual Congress (giugno 2021). A Retrospective Study On Eating Disorders Patiens With And Without Previous Treatments.

IV Conferenza Internazionale sui Disturbi dell’Alimentazione organizzata da Fondazione Gruber Onlus – Guarigioni e interruzioni. Modi di uscita dalla cura (2021). Interventi: Le alleanze, le cure, la remissione / Criteri di guarigione nei pazienti con disturbi dell’alimentazione / Vissuti dopo il trauma / La prevenzione sui fattori di rischio della ricaduta nei Disturbi dell’Alimentazione.

ECED 2023 – EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON EATING DISORDERS. Individual therapeutic meals for patients with feeding and eating disorders: a quali-quantitive research on therapeutic interventions.

Pubblicazioni relative a collaborazione con tavoli di lavoro e a linee di indirizzo e raccomandazioni del Ministero della Salute

Linee di indirizzo nazionali per la riabilitazione nutrizionale nei disturbi dell’alimentazione. Quaderni del Ministero della Salute, n° 29, settembre 2017.

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Disturbi della Nutrizione dell’alimentazione: raccomandazioni per familiari, 2018. Ministero della Salute.

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Interventi per l’accoglienza, il triage, la valutazione ed il trattamento del paziente con Disturbi della nutrizione e dell’alimentazione. Raccomandazioni in Pronto Soccorso per un Codice Lilla, 2018. Ministero della salute.

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